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10 Tips to improve your mental health

1. Track gratitude and achievements in a journal.

+ Write down 3 things that you are grateful for (even little simple things)

+ Write down 3 things that you DID get done in a day. Even the small things are accomplishments! Treat them as such.

2. Take time to laugh and smile. Laughing reduces anxiety and is linked to elevating your mood.

+ take a laughing yoga class

+ follow silly people on Tic Tok (I love "along came Abby")

+ lookup some silly jokes to share

+ think about a time in your life that you remember laughing so hard

+ fake laugh out loud until you start really laughing

3. Get off the grid, take time for yourself

+ get off social media for an allotted time

+ set a time when you stop checking emails

+ light a candle at bedtime (be sure to blow it out before you sleep)

+ collect flowers or pretty shrub branches from outside and bring them in

+ walk in nature/park/neighborhood as an observer

4. Dance during normal house routines

+ put on some of your favorite music

+ do your chores dancing

5. Visit furry friends

+ Visit a pet shelter

+ Visit a friend with a pet

+ cuddle with your own animal

+ foster an animal for a short time

6. Go on a nature walk

+ Any place of nature can be a nature walk, even your local neighborhood

+ Nature can reduce depression and increase wellness

+ walk looking for signs of Spring

7. Work your strengths

+ focus on more of the things you're good at instead of what you aren't good at

8. Experiment

+ Try a new recipe

+ write a simple poem

+ Paint with no agenda - see what you create

+ spend some time on Pinterest for inspiration

9. Show love and appreciation or volunteer

+ quality relationships are key to a happy life

+ when we show love and appreciation, we feel happier than when we hold back

+ when we give, we get a feeling of meaningful purpose

10. Be a tourist in your own town

+ There's so much we miss when we travel through our town on a mission to get somewhere. Take a drive or walk on new streets, visit shops you've never been to. Look for things you've never noticed before

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